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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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Liu Biao。 And I can keep a watch on Liu Bei。〃
Yuan Shao agreed and issued orders for both to go。
On the subject of the mission; Guo Tu came in to his chief to dissuade him。
Said Guo Tu; 〃Liu Bei went to speak to Liu Pi; but he acplished nothing。 Now you are sending Jian Yong with him; and I am sure neither will ever return。〃
〃Do not be too suspicious;〃 said Yuan Shao。 〃Jian Yong is clever enough。〃
That was the end of the interview。 Forthwith Liu Bei sent Sun Qian back to Guan Yu and then; with Jian Yong; took leave of Yuan Shao and rode out of the city; As soon as they reached the border line; they met Sun Qian and all three rode off to Guan Ding's farm to meet Guan Yu。 He came out to wele them; bowed and then seized his brother's hands while tears streamed down his face。
Presently the two sons of their host came to bow to the visitors。 Liu Bei asked their names。
〃These are of the same name as myself;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃The sons are Guan Neng; who is a student; and Guan Ping; who is to be a soldier。〃
〃I have been thinking of sending the younger in your train; General;〃 said old Guan Ding; 〃Would you take him?〃
〃What is his age?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃He is eighteen。〃
Liu Bei said; 〃Since; O Senior; you are so kind; I venture to suggest that your son should be adopted by my brother; who has no son of his own。 What think you of that?〃
Guan Ding was perfectly willing; so he called Guan Ping and bade him make a son's obeisance to Guan Yu and to style Liu Bei 〃Uncle。〃
Then it was time to get on their way lest they should be pursued; and with Guan Yu went Guan Ping。 Guan Ding and Guan Ning escorted them a long distance and then returned。
The party took the road to Sleeping Bull Mountain。 Before they had gone very far; they met Zhou Cang with a small party。 He was wounded。 He was introduced to Liu Bei who asked him how it was。
He replied; 〃Before I reached the hill; a certain warrior all alone; had fought with my friend Pei Yuanshao and killed him。 Then many of our troops surrendered to him; and he occupied our old camp。 When I reached it; I tried to allure the soldiers back to my side but only succeeded with a few。 The others were too afraid。 I got angry and engaged the interloper; who however worsted me time after time and wounded me thrice。〃
〃Who is the warrior? What does he look like?〃 asked Liu Bei。
〃All I know he is a doughty fighter; I do not know his name。〃
Thereafter they advanced toward the hill with Guan Yu in front and Liu Bei in rear。 When they drew near; Zhou Cang began to abuse his enemy; who soon appeared; mailed and armed; ing down the hill like a tornado。
Suddenly Liu Bei rode out waving his whip and shouting; 〃O Zhao Yun; I am here to look for you!〃
Indeed the rider was Zhao Yun。 He instantly slipped out of the saddle and bowed by the roadside。
Liu Bei dismounted to talk with him and ask how he came to be there。
〃When I left you; I had no idea that Gongsun Zan was a man who would listen to no reason。 The result was disaster; and he perished in the flames。 Yuan Shao invited me to him several times; but I thought too little of him to go。 Then I wanted to go to Xuzhou to you; but you had lost that place; and Guan Yu had gone over to Cao Cao; and you had joined Yuan Shao。 Several times I thought of ing to you; but I feared Yuan Shao。 So I drifted from one place to another with nowhere to rest till I happened to e this way; and Pei Yuanshao tried to steal my horse。 So I slew him and took possession of his camp。 I heard Zhang Fei was in Gucheng but thought it might be only a rumor。 And so the days have passed till this happy meeting。〃
Liu Bei told Zhao Yun all that had happened to him since they parted; and so did Guan Yu。
Said Liu Bei; 〃The first time I saw you; I felt drawn to you and did not want to part from you。 I am very happy to meet you again。〃
〃In all my wanderings; trying to find a lord worth serving; I have seen no one like you。 Now I have reached your side; that is enough for all my life。 I care not what may happen to me。〃
Next they burned the camp on Sleeping Bull Mountain; after which they all took the road back to Gucheng where they were weled。 They exchanged the stories of their several adventures; and the two ladies related the valiant deeds of Guan Yu whereat Liu Bei was too affected to speak。
Then they performed a great sacrifice to Heaven and Earth with the slaughter of a bull and a horse。
The soldiers also were repensed for their toils。 Liu Bei surveyed the conditions around him and found therein much to rejoice at。 His two brothers were restored to his side and none of his helpers were missing。 Moreover he had gained Zhao Yun; and Guan Yu had acquired an adopted son Guan Ping。 Another mander had joined his ranks in the person of Zhou Cang。 There was every occasion for feasting and gratification。

Scattered wide were the brothers; none knew another's retreat;
Joyfully now they foregather; dragon and tigers meet。

At this time the forces under the mand of Liu Bei; Guan Yu; Zhang Fei; Zhao Yun; Sun Qian; Jian Yong; Mi Zhu; Mi Fang; Guan Ping; and Zhou Cang numbered four or five thousand soldiers。 Liu Bei was in favor of leaving Gucheng and occupying Runan; and just then Liu Pi and Gong Du; the manders of that city; sent to invite him to go there。 So they went。 There they devoted all their efforts to strengthen their army; both horse and foot。
Yuan Shao was much annoyed when Liu Bei did not return and at first was for sending a force after him。 However Guo Tu dissuaded him。
〃Liu Bei needs cause you no anxiety。 Cao Cao is your one enemy and must be destroyed。 Even Liu Biao; though strongly posted on River Han; is none too terrible。 There is Sun Ce on the southeast of the Great River; strong; feared; with wide domain of six territories; a large army; and able counselors and leaders; you should make an alliance there against Cao Cao。〃
Guo Tu won his chief to his view and wrote to Sun Ce; sending the letter by Chen Zhen。

Just as one warrior leaves the north;
Another from the east es forth。

Future chapters will reveal the oute of these dispositions。
 Main Next to Chapter 29 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 29
 Chapter 29
The Little Chief Of The South Slays Yu Ji;
The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South Land。

'e' The Yangtze or Yangzi river; which flows from west to east to the Pacific at Shanghai。
Sun Ce gradually became supreme on the southeast of the Great River*。 In the fourth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 199); he took Lujiang by the defeat of the Governor Liu Xu。 He dispatched Yu Fan with a dispatch to Governor Hua Xin of Yuzhang; and Hua Xin surrendered。 Thence Sun Ce's renown increased; and he boldly sent a memorial on his military successes to the Emperor by the hand of Zhang Hong。
Cao Cao saw in Sun Ce a powerful rival and said; 〃He is a lion difficult to contend with。〃
So Cao Cao betrothed his niece; daughter of Cao Ren; to Sun Kuang; the youngest brother of Sun Ce; thus connecting the two families by marriage。 Cao Cao also retained Zhang Hong near him in the capital。
Then Sun Ce sought the title of Grand mander; one of the highest offices of state; but Cao Cao prevented the attainment of this ambition; and Sun Ce keenly resented it。 Henceforward his thoughts turned toward an attack on Cao Cao。
About this time the Governor of Wujun; Xu Gong; sent a secret letter to the capital to Cao Cao; saying:

'e' Xiang Yu (BC 232…202) was the leader of Chu and a rival of Liu Bang in contending the empire after the fall of Qin。 。。。。。
〃Sun Ce is a turbulent fellow of the Xiang Yu type*; and the government ought; under the appearance of showing favor to him; to recall him to the capital; for he is a danger in the southern regions。〃
But the bearer of this letter was captured on the Great River and sent to Sun Ce; who immediately put him to death。 Then Sun Ce treacherously sent to ask the author of the letter to e and consult over some affair。 The unsuspecting Xu Gong came。
Sun Ce produced the letter; saying; 〃So you wish to send me to the land of the dead; eh?〃
And thereupon the executioners came in and strangled Xu Gong。 The family of the victim scattered; but three of his clients determined to avenge him if only they could find some m

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