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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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aol; Ju Shou was degraded; and others quarreled。 Then Yuan Shao vacillated and hesitated; so that your brother and I consulted how we might get away from them all。 Now the Uncle is at Runan with Liu Pi and; thinking you could not know that and might suffer some harm if you unwillingly went to Yuan Shao; I have e to warn you。 It is good fortune to find you like this。 Now we can hasten to Runan; and you will meet your brother。〃
Guan Yu took Sun Qian to make his bow to the ladies; who asked after his adventures; and Sun Qian said; 〃Uncle Liu Bei were nearly executed due to Yuan Shao's sudden bursts of anger after the deaths of Yan Liang and Wen Chou。 Now; however; he is out of his way and safe at Runan; and you will meet him soon。〃
The ladies covered their faces and wept at the recital of his dangers。 Then the party no longer traveled north but took the road toward Runan。 Not long after a great cloud of dust was noticed behind them; and that presently made out a hundred of horsemen。 These were led by Xiahou Dun; who shouted out to Guan Yu to stop。

One by one the pass manders stopped his
progress and were slain;
The river crossed; another army es and he
must fight again。

How finally Guan Yu escaped death will appear in the succeeding chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 28 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 28
 Chapter 28
Putting Cai Yang To Death; The Brothers' Doubts Disappear;
Meeting At Gucheng; Lord and Liege Fortify Each Other。
Sun Qian had joined Guan Yu in escorting the two ladies; and they were on the road to Runan when Xiahou Dun suddenly determined to pursue。 So with a couple of hundred horse; Xiahou Dun set out。 When Xiahou Dun was seen approaching; Guan Yu bade Sun Qian go ahead with the carriage while he remained to deal with the pursuers。
When they were near enough; Guan Yu said; 〃In ing after me thus you do not reinforce the magnanimity of your master!〃
Replied Xiahou Dun; 〃The Prime Minister has sent no definite instructions。 You have caused the death of several people; among them one of my manders; and so I have e to capture you! You have behaved most grossly。 The Prime Minister will decide。〃
Thereupon Xiahou Dun dashed forward with his spear ready to thrust。
But at that moment a rider came up behind him at full gallop; crying; 〃You must not fight with Guan Yu!〃
Guan Yu stayed his steed at once and waited。
The messenger came up; drew from his bosom an official letter; and said to Xiahou Dun; 〃The Prime Minister loves General Guan Yu for his loyalty and honor; and fearing lest Guan Yu might be stopped at the various passes; he sent me with this letter to show when necessary at any point on the road。〃
〃But this Guan Yu has slain several manders of the passes。 Does the Prime Minister know that?〃 said Xiahou Dun。
The messenger said these things were unknown。
〃Then;〃 said Xiahou Dun; 〃I will arrest him and take him to the Prime Minister; who may set him free or not as he wills。〃
〃Do you think I fear anything you can do?〃 said Guan Yu getting wrathful。
And he rode forward。 Xiahou Dun; nothing loth; set his spear and prepared for battle。 They met and had reached the tenth encounter when a second horseman came up at full speed; crying; 〃Generals; wait a little!〃
Xiahou Dun stayed his hand and asked the messenger; saying; 〃Am I to arrest him?〃
〃No;〃 replied the messenger。 〃Fearing lest he should have difficulties at the passes; the Prime Minister has sent me with a dispatch to say he is to be released。〃
〃Did the Prime Minister know that he had slain several manders on the way?〃
〃He did not know!〃
〃Since he was ignorant of that; I may not let this Guan Yu go;〃 and Xiahou Dun gave the signal to his men to close in round Guan Yu。
But Guan Yu flourished his sword and made to attack them and a fight was again imminent; when a third rider appeared; who cried; 〃Guan Yu; give way and do not fight!〃
The speaker was Zhang Liao。 Both batants made no further move but awaited his arrival。
Zhang Liao said; 〃I bring the Prime Minister's order that since he has heard that Guan Yu has slain certain manders on the way; he fears that some will hinder his passage。 Wherefore he has sent me to deliver his mand at each gate that Guan Yu is to be suffered to pass freely。〃
Xiahou Dun said; 〃Qin Qi was the son of Cai Yang's sister; and he was confided to my especial care。 Now this Guan Yu has killed him; and how can I refrain?〃
〃When I see his uncle Cai Yang; I will explain。 But now the main point is that you have the Prime Minister's orders to let Guan Yu pass and you may not despise his wish。〃
So the only thing for Xiahou Dun to do was to retire; and he did。
〃Whither are you going?〃 then said Zhang Liao to Guan Yu。
〃I fear my brother is no longer with Yuan Shao; and now I am going to find him wherever he is。〃
〃As you do not know where to go; why not return to the Prime Minister?〃
〃Where is the sense of that?〃 said Guan Yu with a smile。 〃But; Zhang Liao; you return; and try to arrange pardon for my faults。〃
With this Guan Yu saluted Zhang Liao and took his leave。 Zhang Liao retired and joined Xiahou Dun。
Guan Yu quickly regained the carriage; and as they went along side by side he told Sun Qian what had happened。 Several days later a heavy rain storm came on which soaked everything。 Looking about for protection they noticed a farm under the shelter of a precipice and took their way thither。 An old man came out to them; to whom they told their story。
When they had finished; the old fellow said; 〃My name is Guo Chang; and I have lived here many years。 I am very pleased to greet the man whom I have known so long by reputation。〃
Guo Chang quickly killed a sheep for their refreshment and brought out wine for the two men。 The two ladies were entertained in the inner apartments。 And while they refreshed themselves; their baggage was put out to dry and their steeds were fed。
As the day closed in; they saw several youths e along; and their host said; 〃My son is e to pay his respects。〃
〃This is my humble son;〃 said Guo Chang; presenting a lad to Guan Yu。
〃What has he been doing?〃 asked Guan Yu。
〃He has just e in from hunting。〃
The young fellow went out。 The old man continued; 〃All my family have been farmers or scholars。 He is my only son; and instead of following in the footsteps of his ancestors he cares for nothing but gadding about and hunting; unhappily。〃
〃Why unhappily?〃 said Guan Yu。 〃In these days of disorder a good soldier can make a name for himself。〃
〃If he would only learn the military arts; that would be something of a career。 But he is nothing but a vagabond and does everything he should not。 He is a grief to me。〃
Guan Yu sighed in sympathy。 The old gentleman stayed till a late hour; and when he took his leave; his two guests began to prepare for rest。
Suddenly outside there arose a great hubbub; men shouting and horses neighing。 Guan Yu called to his people; but as no one answered; he and Sun Qian drew their swords and went into the stable yard。 There they found their host's son on the ground shouting to his followers to fight。
Guan Yu asked what it was all about; and his guards told him; 〃The young fellow had tried to steal Red Hare; but had been badly kicked。 We heard shouting and went to see what it meant when his men had set on us。〃
Guan Yu was very wrathful。
〃You mean thieves! Would you steal my horse?〃 cried he。
But before he could do anything; his host came running out; saying; 〃It was not with my consent that my son did this evil thing。 I know he is very guilty and deserves death。 But his mother loves him tenderly; and I pray you be generous and pardon him!〃
〃Really he is unworthy of his father;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃What you told me shows he is a degenerate。 For your sake I pardon him。〃
Then Guan Yu told his own people to keep a better lookout; sent the people about their business and; in pany with Sun Qian; went away to rest。
Next morning both the host and hostess were up betimes waiting to thank Guan Yu for forgiving their son's mad freak。
〃My son has insulted your tiger dignity; I know; and I am deeply affected by your kindness in not punishing him;〃 said the old man。
〃Bring him here and I will talk to him;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃He went out before daylight with a

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