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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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ng to ask his advice。
〃If I do not receive them; they will suspect my loyalty;〃 said Che Zhou。 〃Yet if I go out; I may be victim of a ruse。〃
So he went up on the wall and said; 〃It is too dark to distinguish friends from foes。 You must wait till daylight。〃
〃If Liu Bei know our presence; he will attack;〃 shouted back the soldiers。
And they begged him to let them in。 Still Che Zhou hesitated。 They shouted louder than ever to open the gate。
Presently Che Zhou girded on his armor; placed himself at the head of one thousand cavalry and went out。 He galloped over the bridge; shouting; 〃Where is Zhang Liao?〃
Then lights blazed around; and he recognized Guan Yu with his sword drawn。
〃Wretch!〃 cried Guan Yu。 〃You would plot to slay my brother; would you?〃
Che Zhou was too frightened to make good defense; and he turned to reenter the gate。 But as he reached the drawbridge; Chen Deng shot out flights of arrows; wherefore Che Zhou turned aside and galloped along under the wall。 But Guan Yu came quickly in pursuit。 His sword was raised aloft; and as it came down; Che Zhou fell to the earth。
Guan Yu cut off his head and returned; shouting; 〃I have slain the traitor。 You others need not fear if you only surrender!〃
They threw aside their spears and gave in。 As soon as the excitement had calmed; Guan Yu took the head to show Liu Bei and told him the story of the plot。
〃But what will Cao Cao think of this?〃 said Liu Bei。 〃And he may e。〃
〃If he does; we can meet him;〃 said Guan Yu。
But Liu Bei was grieved beyond measure。 When he entered the city; the elders of the people knelt in the road to wele him。 When he reached his residence; he found that Zhang Fei had already exterminated the family of Che Zhou。
Liu Bei said; 〃We have slain one of Cao Cao's best officers; and how will he stand that?〃
〃Never mind!〃 cried Chen Deng。 〃I have a plan。〃

Just from grave danger extricated;
A looming war must be placated。

The plan proposed by Chen Deng will be disclosed next。
 Main Next to Chapter 22 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 22
 Chapter 22
Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field;
Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals。
This was the plan Chen Deng proposed to Liu Bei; 〃Yuan Shao is Cao Cao's terror。 He is strongly posted in an extensive territory of four regions………Jizhou; Qingzhou; Youzhou; and Bingzhou………with one million fighting soldiers and numerous able officers。 Write letters and pray him rescue you。〃
Liu Bei replied; 〃But we have never had any dealings with each other; and he is unlikely to do such a thing for a person who has just destroyed his brother。〃
〃There is someone here whose family have been on intimate terms with the Yuans for a hundred years。 Yuan Shao would surely e; if he wrote。〃
〃And who is this?〃
〃A man you know well and respect greatly。 Can you not guess?〃
〃You surely mean Zheng Xuan;〃 said Liu Bei suddenly。
〃That is he;〃 said Chen Deng smiling。
Now Zheng Xuan was a student and a man of great talent; who had long studied under the famed teacher Ma Rong; whose knowledge of the Book of Odes was universally recognized。 Whenever Ma Rong lectured; he let fall a curtain behind which were a circle of singing girls。 The students were assembled in front of this curtain。 Zheng Xuan attended these lectures for three years and never once let his eyes wander to the curtain。
Naturally the master admired his pupil。 After Zheng Xuan had finished his studies and gone home; Ma Rong praised him to the others; saying; 〃Only one man has penetrated the inner meaning of my instructions; and that one is Zheng Xuan。〃
In Zheng Xuan's household; the waiting maids were familiar with the Book of Odes。 Once one of the maids opposed Zheng Xuan's wishes; so as punishment she was made to kneel in front of the steps。 Another girl made fun of her; quoting from an ode:

〃What are you doing there in the mire?〃

The kneeling girl capped the verse from another ode; quoted she:

〃That was but a simple word I said;
Yet brought it wrath upon my head。〃

Such was the family in which Zheng Xuan had been born。 In the reign of the Emperor Huan; he rose to the rank of Chair of the Secretariat。 But when the Ten Eunuchs began to control the government; he gave up office and retired into the country to Xuzhou。 Liu Bei had known him before; had consulted him on many occasions; and greatly respected him。
Liu Bei was glad that he had remembered this man; and without loss of time; in pany with Chen Deng; he went to Zheng Xuan's house to ask him to draft this letter; which Zheng Xuan generously consented to do。
Sun Qian was entrusted with the task of delivery and set out at once。 Yuan Shao read it and considered the matter long before speaking。
〃Liu Bei destroyed my brother; and I ought not to help him; but out of consideration for the writer of this letter I must。〃
Thereupon Yuan Shao assembled his officers to consider an attack upon Cao Cao。
Adviser Tian Feng said; 〃Do not raise an army。 The people are worn out; and the granaries are empty with these constant wars。 Let us rather report the recent victory of Gongsun Zan to the Throne。 If that does not reach the Emperor; then memorialize that Cao Cao is hindering the government。 Then raise an army; occupy Liyang; assemble a Yellow River fleet in Henan; prepare weapons; send out your various divisions; and within three years you will win all round。〃
Adviser Shen Pei replied; 〃I do not agree。 The military genius of our illustrious lord having overe the hordes of the north; to dispose of Cao Cao is as simple as turning one's hand。 It is not a matter of months。〃
Adviser Ju Shou said; 〃Victory is not always to the many。 Cao Cao's discipline is excellent; his soldiers are brave and well drilled。 He will not sit down quietly waiting to be surrounded as Gongsun Zan did。 Now you abandon the intention to inform the Throne of our success; which I find a good plan; but you intend to send out an army without any valid excuse。 Our lord should not do that。〃
Then followed adviser Guo Tu; saying; 〃You are wrong。 No expedition against Cao Cao can lack excuse。 But if our master would take the chance now offering itself of ing into his own; he will accede to the request in the letter of Zheng Xuan and ally himself with Liu Bei for the destruction of Cao Cao。 This would win the approval of Heaven and the affections of the people; a double blessing。〃
Thus the four advisers differed and wrangled; and Yuan Shao could not decide which to follow。
Then there came two others; Xu You and Xun Shen; and; seeing them; Yuan Shao said; 〃You two have wide experience; how would you decide?〃
The two made their obeisance; and Yuan Shao said; 〃A letter from Zheng Xuan the Chair has arrived; counseling me to support Liu Bei in an attack on Cao Cao。 Now am I to send an army or not send an army?〃
They both cried with one voice; 〃Send! Your armies are numerous enough and strong enough。 You will destroy a traitor and help the dynasty。〃
〃Your words just express my desire;〃 said Yuan Shao and thenceforward the discussion turned on the expedition。
First; Liu Bei's legate; Sun Qian; was sent back with Yuan Shao's consent and instructions for Liu Bei to make ready to cooperate。 Second; Yuan Shao assigned Shen Pei and Peng Ji as manding Generals; Tian Feng; Xun Shen; and Xu You as Military Advisers; Yan Liang and Wen Chou as Generals。 The army was to be posed of three hundred thousand; horse and foot in equal numbers。 They were to march on Liyang。
When the arrangements were plete; Guo Tu went to his chief; saying; 〃In order to manifest the righteousness of your attack on Cao Cao; it would be well to issue a manifesto with a summary of his various crimes。〃
Yuan Shao approved of this; and Chen Lin; well known as a scholar; was entrusted to pose such a document。 Chen Lin had been the Court Secretary in the reign of the late Emperor Ling。 When Dong Zhuo unseated Regent Marshal He Jin; Chen Lin sought safety in Jizhou。 This is the manifesto:
〃A perspicacious ruler wisely provides against political vicissitudes; a loyal minister carefully foresees the difficulties in the assertion of authority。 Wherefore a person of unusual parts precedes an extraordinary situation; and of such a person the achievements

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