叉叉电子书 > 同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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gh; Fu Qian dashed his prisoner with all his strength to the earth; took a firm grip on his four…edged brand; and smote Li Peng full in the face。 The blow knocked out an eye; and Li Peng fell dead。 Wang Zhen had been already killed by the Shu troops as he lay on the ground。 Both generals being dead; the troops of Wei fled into the city and barred the gates。
Jiang Wei gave orders for the army to rest that night and take the city on the morrow with all vigor。
Next day; at dawn; the assault began。 The soldiers; fresh from their rest; vied with each other who should be first on the wall。 They shot over the ramparts fire…arrows and firebombs and burned all the buildings on the wall。 They next brought up brushwood and piled it against the rampart and set it alight; so that the flames rose high。
When the city seemed about to fall; the defenders set up a howling and a lamentation that could be heard all around。 But suddenly a great rolling of drums diverted the attention of the assailants from the city; and they turned their faces to see a great host of Wei soldiers marching up in all the glory of waving banners。 Jiang Wei faced about to meet this attack and took his place beneath the great standard。
Presently Jiang Wei made out a youthful…looking leader riding in advance with his spear ready to thrust。 He looked scarcely more than twenty years of age; his face was smooth as if powdered; and his lips were crimson。 But from them came fierce words。
〃Do you recognize General Deng?〃 cried he。
〃So this is Deng Ai;〃 thought Jiang Wei。
Thereupon Jiang Wei set his spear and rode out。 Both were adepts in arms and neither gave the other an opening; so that at the end of near half a hundred bouts neither could claim advantage。 The youth wielded his spear with perfect skill。
〃If I cannot gain the advantage by some ruse; how shall I win?〃 thought Jiang Wei。
So he turned aside his steed and dashed along a certain road that led to the hills。 The youth followed。 Presently Jiang Wei slung his spear; laid hands upon his bow; chose with care a feathered arrow; and laid it on the string。 But the youth was quick of eye; and as the bowstring sang; he bent his head over the saddle and the arrow passed harmlessly by。
The next time Jiang Wei turned; he saw his pursuer close upon him; and already the spear was threatening his life。 But as the youth thrust; Jiang Wei evaded the blow and caught the shaft under his arm。 Thus deprived of his weapon; the young man made for his own array。
〃What a pity! What a great pity!〃 cried Jiang Wei; turning to pursue。
He followed the young general close up to the standard。
But just as he came near; a warrior came to the front; shouting; 〃Jiang Wei; you fool; do not pursue my son when I; Deng Ai; am here!〃
Jiang Wei was taken aback; so he had only been contending with Deng Zhong; the son of his real opponent。 Although he was astonished at the skill and vigor of the youth; he now knew that a heavier task lay before him and feared lest his steed was then too far spent for the contest。
So he said to Deng Ai; 〃Seeing things are so; let us both hold off our troops till the morrow; when we will fight。〃
Deng Ai; glancing around; saw that the place was ill…suited for him; so he agreed to wait; saying; 〃Let us lead off our armies then; and whoever shall take any secret advantage is a base fellow。〃
Both sides retired into camp; Deng Ai on the bank of River Wei; and Jiang Wei on the hills。
Deng Ai saw that the army of Shu had the advantage of position; so he wrote off at once to Sima Wang:
〃General; we should not give battle; but wait for reinforcements。 Meanwhile the soldiers of Shu will be consuming their supply of grain; and we will attack on three sides when they begin to be hungry。 I send my son Deng Zhong to you for further help in the defense of the city。〃
Jiang Wei sent a messenger to the Wei camp to deliver a letter of battle; the contest to take place the next day。 Deng Ai openly accepted。 But when morning came and Jiang Wei had arrayed his troops; his enemy had not appeared on the field。 Nor was there any sign of giving battle; no display of flags or rolling of drums all day。
At nightfall the army of Shu returned to camp; and Jiang Wei sent a letter reproaching his opponent with his failure to keep his word。
Deng Ai treated the bearer of the letter with great courtesy and explained; saying; 〃I have been indisposed today; but will certainly fight on the morrow。〃
But the next day passed also without any move on the part of Wei; and the same thing went on for five days。
Then said Fu Qian to his chief; 〃There is some knavery afoot; and we must be on our guard。〃
〃They must be waiting for reinforcements from Within the Passes that they may attack on three sides;〃 said Jiang Wei。 〃But now will I send into Wu and get Sun Chen to strike at the same time as I。〃
Just then scouts came to give the news of the rout of the army of Wu: 〃Sima Zhao has defeated Shouchun and killed Zhuge Dan。 Many in the Wu army have gone over to Wei。 Sima Zhao has gone to Luoyang and is planning to march an army to attack Changcheng。〃
〃So our attack on Wei is but a sham!〃 said Jiang Wei; bitterly。 〃It is only a picture of a cake。〃

Four times he missed! He hailed
The fifth occasion joyfully; and failed。

The next chapter will tell the story of the retreat。
 Main Next to Chapter 113 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 113
 Chapter 113
Ding Feng Makes A Plan To Slay Sun Chen;
Jiang Wei Arrays A Battle To Defeat Deng Ai。
Fearing lest reinforcements would strengthen his enemy beyond his own power of resistance; Jiang Wei decided to retreat while he could。 He sent all his stores and baggage away first with the footmen; and kept the cavalry to cover the retirement。
The spies reported his movements to Deng Ai; who said; 〃He has gone because he knew that the main army would soon be upon him。 Let him go; and do not follow。 If we pursue; he will play us some evil trick。〃
Scouts were sent to keep in touch with the retreating army; and when they returned they reported that preparations of dry woods and straws had been made in the Luo Valley to check any pursuit with fire。
The officers praised the prescience of Deng Ai; 〃General; your calculation is superhuman!〃
When Deng Ai reported these matters to the capital; Sima Zhao was very pleased and confer more rewards。
The Prime Minister of Wu; Sun Chen; was greatly angered by the desertion of so many of his soldiers and officers to Wei; and revenged himself by putting their families to death。 The Ruler of Wu; Sun Liang; disapproved of these acts of cruelty; but he was powerless。
The young Emperor was of an ingenious turn of mind。 One day he went to the West Park to eat of the newly ripened plums。 He bade one of the eunuchs bring some honey。 It was brought; but there were mouse droppings in it。 The Ruler of Wu called the storekeeper and blamed him for carelessness。
The storekeeper said; 〃We are very careful to keep the stores in good order; and the honey cannot not possibly have been fouled in the storehouse。〃
〃Has anyone asked you for honey lately?〃 asked the Ruler of Wu。
〃One of the eunuchs asked for some a few days ago。 I refused him。〃
The Ruler of Wu called the named eunuch and said; 〃You defiled the honey out of spite。〃
The man denied it。
〃It is very easy to tell;〃 said the Ruler of Wu。 〃If the dirt has been lying in the honey for some time it will be wet all through。〃
Then the Ruler of Wu ordered them to cut one of the lumps; and it was quite dry inside。 The eunuch then confessed。
This shows the Ruler of Wu was quick…witted。 But clever as he was; he could not control his Prime Minister; whose relatives were in mand of all the garrisons and armies; so that he was unassailable。 His four brothers all had high offices: Sun Ju was General Who Terrifies Distant Regions and mander of Imperial Guards; Sun En; General Who Shows Prowess; Sun Gan; Imperial mander; and Sun Kan; mander of Changshui。
One day the Ruler of Wu; musing over his sorrows and feeling very miserable; began to weep。 The officer in charge of the eunuchs; who was an Imperial Brother…in…Law; stood by。
〃Sun Chen holds all real power and does as he wishes; while I am despised;〃 said the Ruler of 

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