叉叉电子书 > 同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Yellow Dragon〃 was chosen as the style of the reign (AD 229)。 Sun Jian; the deceased father of the new Emperor; was given the title of the Martially Glorious Emperor; his mother Empress Wu; and his elder brother; Sun Ce; was made posthumously Prince of Changsha; and his son; Sun Deng; was styled Heir Apparent。 The rank of Left panion of the Heir Apparent was conferred upon the eldest son of Zhuge Jin; Zhuge Ke。 The rank of Right panion of the Heir Apparent was bestowed upon the second son of Zhang Zhao; Zhang Xi。
This son of Zhuge Jin was a person seven…span height; very clever; and especially apt at capping verses。 Sun Quan liked him much。 When Zhuge Ke was six; he went with his father to a banquet。 Sun Quan noticed that Zhuge Jin had a long face; so he bade a man lead in a donkey; and he wrote on it with chalk; 〃My friend Zhuge Jin〃。 Everyone roared with laughter。 But the youngster ran up and added a few strokes making it read; 〃My friend Zhuge Jin's donkey〃。 The guests were astonished at his ready wit; and praised him。 Sun Quan was also pleased and made him a present of the donkey。
Another day; at a large official banquet; Sun Quan sent the boy with a goblet of wine to each courtier。
When he came to Zhang Zhao; the old man declined it; saying; 〃This is not the proper treatment for old age。〃
〃Can you not make him drink?〃 said Sun Quan。

'e' Lu Wang was a master strategist; founding minister of Zhou Dynasty; counselor to King Wen。 Before joining King Wen; Lu Wang had been a fisher; who mediated on the river bank on political events。 。。。。。
Then said Zhuge Ke to the old gentleman; 〃You remember Lu Wang*; he was ninety and yet gripped the signaling flags and wielded the axes of an army mander in the field。 He never spoke of age。 Nowadays in battle we put seniors behind; but at the banquet board we give them a front place。 How can you say we do not treat old age properly?〃
Zhang Zhao had no reply ready; and so had to drink。 This sort of precocity endeared the boy to Sun Quan; and now Sun Quan made him the Left panion to the Heir Apparent。
Zhang Zhao's son; Zhang Xi; was chosen for honor on account of the eminent services of his father; whose rank was only below that of Prince。 Then Gu Yong became Prime Minister and Lu Xun; Regent Marshal。 And Lu Xun assisted the Heir Apparent in the custody of Wuchang。 Sun Quan himself returned to Jianye。
As Sun Quan seemed powerful and well established; the whole of his court turned their thoughts toward the suppression of Wei。 Only Zhang Zhao opposed it and tendered counsels of internal reform。
〃It is not well to begin Your Majesty's new reign with fighting。 Rather improve learning and hide the sword; establish schools and so give the people the blessings of peace。 Make a treaty with Shu to share the empire; and lay your plans slowly and carefully。〃
Sun Quan saw the wisdom of the advice。 He sent an envoy into the River Lands to lay the scheme of an alliance before the Latter Ruler。 The Latter Ruler called his courtiers to discuss it。 Many were opposed to Sun Quan as an upstart usurper and advised rejection of any friendly proposals from him。
Then Jiang Wan said; 〃We should get the opinion of Zhuge Liang。〃
So they sent and put the matter before the Prime Minister。
Zhuge Liang said; 〃Send an envoy with presents and felicitations and ask Sun Quan to send Lu Xun against Wei。 Then Sima Yi will be engaged with Wu; and I may once more march to Qishan and attempt Capital Changan。〃
Wherefore the Chair of the Secretariat; Chen Zhen; was sent with presents of horses; a jeweled belt; gold and pearls; and precious things into the South Land to congratulate the Ruler of Wu on his newly assumed dignity。 And the presents were accepted; and the bearer thereof honored and allowed to return。
When this was all over; Sun Quan called in Lu Xun and asked his opinion about the concerted attack on Wei。 Lu Xun saw through the scheme at once。
〃We owe this to Zhuge Liang's fear of Sima Yi;〃 said he。 〃However; we must consent since Shu asks it。 We will make a show of raising an army and in a measure support them。 When Zhuge Liang has actually attacked Wei; we will make for the Middle Land ourselves。〃
Orders went forth for enlisting and training Jingzhou soldiers ready for an expedition to start presently。
When Chen Zhen returned to Hanzhong and reported to the Prime Minister; Zhuge Liang was still worried that he could not advanced hastily by the road through Chencang。 So he sent scouts out first。
Soon the scouts brought the news back: 〃The defender of the city; Hao Zhao; is being very ill。〃
〃That means success for me;〃 cried he; cheering。
He called in Wei Yan and Jiang Wei; and said; 〃Take five thousand troops and hasten to Chencang。 If you see a blaze; then attack。〃
They could hardly believe what the order was meant; and came again to see their chief and asked the exact date of departure。
Replied Zhuge Liang; 〃In three days you should be ready to march。 Do not e to take leave of me; but set out as soon as possible。〃
After they had left his tent; he summoned Guan Xing and Zhang Bao and gave them secret instructions。
Now when Guo Huai heard that mander Hao Zhao of Chencang was ill; he and Zhang He talked over the matter。
Guo Huai said; 〃Hao Zhao is very ill。 You had better go and relieve him。 I will report to the capital what we have done that they may arrange。〃
So Zhang He started with his three thousand troops to relieve the sick man。
Hao Zhao was indeed at the point of death; and suddenly they told him that the army of Shu had reached the walls。 Hao Zhao roused himself and bade them go on the ramparts。 But then fire broke out at each gate; a panic spread in the city; and the noise of the confusion startled the dying man so that he passed away just as the troops of Shu were bursting in。
When Wei Yan and Jiang Wei reached the walls; they were perplexed to find no sign of life。 No flags were flying and no watchmen struck the hours。 They delayed their attack for a time。 Then they heard a bomb; and suddenly the wall was thick with flags; and there appeared the well…known figure of the minister。
〃You have e too late;〃 cried Zhuge Liang。
Both dropped out of the saddle and prostrated themselves。
〃Really; you are supernatural; O Prime Minister!〃 they cried。
They entered the city; and then he explained to them; saying; 〃I heard the news that Hao Zhao was seriously sick; so I sent you with the deadline of three days as a decoy to calm the people of this city。 Then I hid myself in the ranks of another force under Guan Xing and Zhang Bao; which came to Chencang by double marches。 Also; I had sent spies into the city to start the fires and throw the defenders into confusion。 An army without a leader could never fight; and I could take the city easily。 This is an instance of the rule of war: 'Do the unexpected; attack the unprepared。'〃
They bowed。 In miseration Zhuge Liang sent all the family of Hao Zhao; and his coffin; over to Wei; thus showing his sense of the dead man's loyalty。
Turning once more to Wei Yan and Jiang Wei; he said; 〃But do not divest yourself of your armor。 Go and attack San Pass and drive away the guards while they are in a state of surprise。 If you delay; Wei will have sent reinforcements。〃
They went。 Surely enough the capture of San Pass was easy as the Wei soldiers scattered。 But when they went up to look around; they saw a great cloud of dust moving toward them。 The Wei reinforcements were already near。
They remarked to each other; 〃The Prime Minister's foresight was superhuman。〃
When they had looked a little longer; they saw the leader of the Wei army then approaching was Zhang He。
They then divided their soldiers to hold the approaches。 When Zhang He saw that all was prepared; he retired。 Wei Yan followed and fought a battle; defeating Zhang He heavily。
Wei Yan sent to report his success; but Zhuge Liang had already left Chencang and had gone into the Xie Valley to capture the county of Jianwei。 Other armies from Shu followed。 Moreover; the Latter Ruler sent Chen Shi to assist in the campaign。 Zhuge Liang then marched his main force to Qishan and there made a camp。 Then he called an assembly of officers。
〃Twice have I gone out by Qishan without success; but at last

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