叉叉电子书 > 同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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Liang Xu said; 〃My brother; Liang Qian; holds that city; and I will call upon him to yield it。〃
Thereupon Liang Xu rode over to Shanggui and called out his brother to submit。 Zhuge Liang rewarded the two brothers and then made Liang Xu Governor of Tianshui; Yin Shang; Magistrate of Jicheng; and Liang Qian; Magistrate of Shanggui。 Next the army prepared to advance。
His officers asked; 〃O Prime Minister; why do you not pursue and capture Xiahou Mao?〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃I let him go as I would release a duck。 In my friend Jiang Wei I recognized a phoenix。〃
Such awe and fear seized upon the country around when these exploits of Zhuge Liang were heard of that many other cities simply opened their gates without making any resistance。 Zhuge Liang brought all soldiers from Hanzhong; horse and foot; and marched on to Qishan。
When the Shu army reached the west bank of River Wei; the scouts reported their movements in Luoyang; and; at a court held in the first year of the era of Calm Peace (AD 227); the ministers told the Ruler of Wei of the threatened invasion。
They said; 〃Xiahou Mao; the Imperial Son…in…Law; has lost the three counties and fled to the Qiangs。 The enemy has reached Qishan; and their advanced columns are on the west bank of River Wei。 I pray that an army be sent to repulse them。〃
The Emperor; Cao Rui; was alarmed and asked; 〃Who shall go out and drive off the enemy for me?〃
Minister Wang Lang stepped forward and said; 〃I observed that whenever General Cao Zhen was sent by the late Emperor on any expedition he succeeded。 Why not send him to drive off these soldiers of Shu?〃
Cao Rui approved of the suggestion。
Whereupon he called up Cao Zhen and said to him; 〃The late Emperor confided me to your guardianship。 You cannot sit by while the enemy ravages the country。〃
Cao Zhen replied; 〃Your Majesty; my talents are but poor and unequal to the task you propose。〃
〃You are a trusted minister of state; and you may not really refuse this task。 Old and worn as I am; I will use the little strength left me to acpany you;〃 said Wang Lang。
〃After the bounties I have received; I cannot refuse;〃 replied Cao Zhen。 〃But I must ask for an assistant。〃
〃You have only to name him; O Noble One;〃 said the Emperor。
So Cao Zhen named Guo Huai; a man of Yangqu; whose official rank was Lord of Sheting; he was also Imperial Protector of Yongzhou。
Thereupon Cao Zhen was appointed mander…in…Chief; and the ensigns of rank were conferred upon him。 Guo Huai was appointed his second; and Wang Lang was created Instructor of the Army。 Wang Lang was then already old; seventy…six。
The army of Cao Zhen consisted of two hundred thousand troops; the best from both capitals。 His brother; Cao Zun; was made Leader of the Van with an assistant; Zhu Zan; General Who Opposes Brigands。 The army moved out in the eleventh month of that year; and the Ruler of Wei went with it to the outside of the west gate。
Cao Zhen marched by way of Changan and camped on the west bank of the River Wei。 At a council; which the mander…in…Chief called to consider the best mode of attack; Wang Lang asked that he might be allowed to parley with the enemy。
Said Wang Lang; 〃Let the army be drawn up in plete battle order and unfurl all the banners。 I will go out and call a parley with Zhuge Liang; at which I will make him yield to us without a blow; and the army of Shu shall march home again。〃
Cao Zhen agreed to the plan。 So orders were given to take the early meal at the fourth watch and have the men fall in with their panies and files at daylight; all in review order。 Everything was to be grand and imposing; the flags fluttering and the drums rolling; every soldier in his place。 Just before this display; a messenger was to deliver a declaration of war。
Next day; when the armies were drawn up facing each other in front of the Qishan Mountains; the soldiers of Shu saw that their enemies were fine; bold warriors; very different from those that Xiahou Mao had brought against them。 Then after three rolls of the drums; Minister of the Interior Wang Lang mounted his horse and rode out; next to him rode mander…in…Chief Cao Zhen; and followed behind was Deputy mander Guo Huai。 The two Leaders of the Van remained in charge of the army。
Then a messenger rode to the front and called out in a loud voice; 〃We request the leader of the opposing army to e out to a parley。〃
At this; within the Shu army; an opening was made at the main standard; through which came out Guan Xing and Zhang Bao; who took up their stations right and left。 Then followed two lines of generals; and beneath the standard; in the center of the array; was seen a four…wheeled carriage wherein sat Zhuge Liang; with turban; white robe and black sash。 A leather fan was in his hand。 He advanced with the utmost dignity。 Looking up; he saw three mander umbrellas and flags bearing large white characters。 In the middle was an aged; white…haired figure; Minister Wang Lang。
〃He intends to deliver an oration;〃 thought Zhuge Liang。 〃I must answer as best I may。〃
His carriage was then pushed to the front beyond the line of battle; and he directed one of his officers to reply; saying; 〃The Prime Minister of the Hans is willing to speak with Minister Wang Lang。〃
Wang Lang advanced。 Zhuge Liang saluted him from the carriage with raised hands; and Wang Lang replied from horseback with an inclination。 Then Wang Lang began his oration。
〃I am happy to meet you; Noble Sir。 Your reputation has been long known to me。 Since you recognize the decrees of Heaven and are acquainted with the conditions of the world; why do you; without any excuse; lead out such an army?〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃How mean you no excuse? I hold an edict to destroy rebels。〃
Wang Lang replied; 〃Heaven has its mutations; and change its instruments from time to time。 The supreme dignity es at last to the person of virtue。 This is the inevitable and immutable law。 In the days of Emperors Huan and Ling arose the Yellow Scarves rebellion; and the whole earth was involved in wrangling and warfare。 Later; in the eras of Inauguration of Tranquillity and Rebuilt Tranquillity; Dong Zhuo arose in revolt; a revolt which Li Jue and Guo Si continued after Dong Zhuo had been destroyed。 Next Yuan Shu usurped the imperial style; and his brother Yuan Shao played the man of might and valor in the land of Yejun。 Liu Biao occupied Jingzhou; and Lu Bu seized and held Xuzhou。 Thus rebels have arisen in the land like swarm of wasps and bold spirits have followed their own will; to the danger of the supreme dignity and the peril of the people。
〃Then the Founder of Wei; Emperor Cao; swept away rebellion in eight directions; purged the land; and restored order。 All hearts turned to him in gratitude; and the people of the four quarters admired his virtue。 He gained his position by no manifestation of force: It was simply the will of Heaven。 His son and successor; Emperor Pi; was wise and warlike; adequate to the great heritage and fitted to wield supreme power。 Wherefore; in accordance with the will of Heaven and the desires of humans; and following the example of the earliest emperors; he took his place as arbiter of the Central Government; whereby the myriad countries are ordered and governed。 Can any maintain that it was not the desire of Heaven and the wish of the people?

'e' Guan Zhong was priminister of Duke Huan of Qi。 Guan Zhong made Qi a powerful state during the Spring and Autumn period。 。。。。。
'e' Yue Yi was a great general of Yan。 Yue Yi helped Yan overe Qi; which was a dominant state during the Warring States period。 。。。。。
〃Noble Sir; you are a man of natural talent and acquired attainments; worthy; you say yourself; to be pared with Guan Zhong* and Yue Yi*。 Why then place yourself in opposition to the decree of Heaven and turn away from the desire of humankind to do this thing? You cannot be ignorant of the wise old saying: 'He who accords with the Heaven shall flourish; while he who opposes shall be destroyed。'
〃Now the armies of Wei are countless legions; and their able leaders are beyond number。 Can the glowworm in the parched stubble rival the glorious moon in the sky? If you will turn down your weapons and throw aside your armors and dutifully yield; you shall not lose yo

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