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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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ray you return to the main camp;〃 said they。
But the veteran would not。 Next day Pan Zhang came to challenge again; and Huang Zhong at once accepted。 Nor would he allow Guan Xing and Zhang Bao to e with him; or accept assistance from any other。
He led out five thousand troops。 Before many bouts had been exchanged; Pan Zhang made a feint and got away。 Huang Zhong pursued; shouting to him not to flee。
〃Flee not; for now will I avenge the death of Guan Yu!〃 cried he。
Huang Zhong pursued some ten miles; but presently he fell into an ambush and found himself attacked from all sides………Zhou Tai on the left; Han Dang on the right; Ling Tong from behind; and the erstwhile flying Pan Zhang turned to attack the front………; so that he was surrounded and hemmed in。 Huang Zhong forced his way to retreat。 But suddenly a great storm came on; the wind blowing violently; and as Huang Zhong was passing some hills; an enemy cohort led by Ma Zhong came down the slopes; and one of the arrows wounded the veteran in the armpit。 He nearly fell from his horse with the shock。 The soldiers of Wu; seeing Huang Zhong wounded; came on all together; but soon the two youthful generals; Guan Xing and Zhang Bao; drove them off and scattered them。 Thus they rescued Huang Zhong。
He was taken back to the main camp。 But he was old and his blood was thin; and the wound gaped wide; so that he was near to die。
The First Ruler came to visit him and patted his back and said; 〃It is my fault; O Veteran General; that you have been hurt in the battle!〃
〃I am a soldier;〃 said the old man。 〃I am glad that I could serve Your Majesty。 But now I am seventy…five; and I have lived long enough。 Be careful of your own safety for the good of the state。〃
These were his last words。 He became unconscious and died that night。 A poem was written of him:

First among veterans stands Huang Zhong;
Who won great merit in the conquest of Shu。
Old; he still donned his coat of mail;
And laid his hand to the curving bow。
His valor was the talk of all the north;
Fear of his might maintained the west。
Tardy he bowed his snow…white head to death;
Fighting to the end………in very truth a hero。

Huang Zhong passed away; and the First Ruler looked on; very sad。 He made Huang Zhong a grave in Chengdu and ordered an honorable burial there。
〃My brave general is gone;〃 sighed he; 〃and the third of my five Tiger Generals; and I have been unable to avenge their death。 It is very grievous!〃
So the Emperor led the Imperial Guards to Xiaoting; where he summoned a great assembly。 He divided his forces into eight parts ready for an attack by land and water。 The marines were placed under Huang Quan; and he himself led the land forces。 It was then the second month of the second year of Manifest Might Era (AD 221)。
When Han Dang and Zhou Tai heard that the army of Shu was approaching; they marched toward it。 When near; the two armies were arrayed。 The two leaders of Wu rode out and saw the First Ruler riding out under the great standard with his staff about him。 A silken umbrella splashed with gold was over his head; right and left were white banners; golden axes; and other insignia of an emperor。
Then Han Dang spoke; 〃Your Majesty is now the Ruler of Shu。 Why do you risk your life in the battlefield? It would be most regrettable if any untoward event happened。〃
The First Ruler pointed the finger of scorn at the speaker and said; 〃You rats of Wu bereft me of my brother; and I have sworn that you shall not live with me under the same sky!〃
〃Who dares plunge in among the enemy?〃 asked Han Dang; turning to those in his train。
Marching General Xia Xun set his spear and rode to the front; and so did Zhang Bao with a roar gallop out to meet him。 But this thunderous voice affrighted Xia Xun; and he sought to flee。 Then Zhou Tai's brother; Zhou Ping; seeing that his colleague was panic…stricken; flourished his sword and rode out too。 At once Guan Xing dashed to the front。 Zhang Bao roared again and thrusting at Xia Xun and unhorsing him。 This disconcerted Zhou Ping and enfeebled his defense; so that Guan Xing speedily slew him with a slash。 Then the two youths rode furiously at Han Dang and Zhou Tai。 They sought refuge in their battle array。
〃The tiger fathers have not begotten curs of sons;〃 said the First Ruler with a sigh of satisfaction。
Then he waved his whip as a signal to fall on; and the Wu army suffered a great defeat。 The Shu force of the eight divisions was irresistible as a river in flood; and the slaughter was immense。
Gan Ning was in his ship ill; but he roused himself when he heard the armies of Shu had e; and mounted to go into the battle。 Soon he met a cohort of the Mang soldiers。 These warriors wore their hair loose and went barefoot。 Their weapons were bows and crossbows and long spears and swords and axes。 And they had shields to ward off blows。 They were led by their own King Shamo Ke。 His face was spotted with red as if splashed with blood; and his eyes were green and big。 He rushed among Gan Ning's troops wielding a spiked iron mace with bone pendants; and he had two bows slung at his belt。 He was terrible to look upon。
Gan Ning recognized that he had no chance of victory against such a man and did not engage Shamo Ke; but turned his steed to flee。 But as Gan Ning fled; Shamo Ke shot an arrow that pierced Gan Ning's skull。 Wounded as he was; Gan Ning rode on to Fuchikou; but there he dismounted and sat under a big tree; where he died。 On the tree were many hundreds of crows; and they gathered round the corpse as if to protect it。

'e' Gan Ning's temple on the mouth of Fuchi River is still here today。 When visitors e to pay respect; they often see crows bidding farewell to them when they leave。
The Prince of Wu was sore grieved at the news of Gan Ning's death; and had the remains buried honorably。 Moreover; he raised a temple in Fuchikou to Gan Ning's memory*。

Gan Ning was first of warriors in Wu;
With silken sails he stemmed the Great River's tide;
Right loyally he served his prince; and true;
He made two ill friends put their hate aside。
Light horse led he by night a camp to raid;
And first he warmed his soldiers with generous wine。
In his resting place the holy crows wele guests;
And fragrant incense smolders at his shrine。

This victory gave the First Ruler possession of Xiaoting。 But at the muster after the battle; Guan Xing did not appear。 Search parties were sent to find him; and they went far and wide beating the country around。
However; the dashing young soldier was only following in his father's foe。 When Guan Xing had got in among the army of Wu; he had caught sight of Pan Zhang; his especial enemy; and galloped in pursuit。 In terror; Pan Zhang took to the hills and disappeared in one of the valleys。
In seeking him; Guan Xing lost his way and went to and fro till it grew dark without finding a way out。 It was clear moonlight。 Near midnight he came to a farm; where he dismounted and knocked at the door。 A venerable old man appeared and asked who he was。
〃I am a leader of the army; and I have lost my way。 I beg a meal; for I am starving;〃 said Guan Xing。
The old man led him into a hall lit by many candles; and there he saw in the family altar a picture of Guan Yu。 At once he began to wail and bowed before it。
〃Why do you wail thus?〃 asked the old man。
〃This is my father;〃 said Guan Xing。
At this; the old man prostrated himself before his guest。
〃Why should you treat my father with such respect?〃 asked Guan Xing。
〃This place is sacred to his honored spirit。 While he lived the people served him; and now that he is a spirit should they not revere him the more? I have been waiting for the armies of Shu to avenge his death; and it is indeed the great good fortune of the people that you have e。〃
Then the host brought forth wine and food and served his guest。 Moreover; he unsaddled and fed his horse。
In the third watch a knocking came at the door; and when the old man opened it; the visitor was no other than Pan Zhang; the General of Wu。 He also asked shelter。
As Pan Zhang came in; Guan Xing recognized him and drew his sword; crying; 〃Stay; you ruffian! Do not flee!〃
Pan Zhang turned to flee。 But before he could turn; Guan Xing raised his sword: It fell; 

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