叉叉电子书 > 同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Not at all; I am helping neither Wu nor Shu。 I am waiting till they are at grips; and if one goes under; there will be only one left to destroy。 That will be easy。 However; say no more; for I have decided。〃
Whereupon Xing Zhen was bidden to take the mandate and the Nine Dignities and acpany Zhao Zi to Wu。
Sun Quan assembled his officers to discuss how the armies of Shu could be driven off。 Then came the news of princely rank conferred by Wei。 By the rules of courtesy; the messenger bearing the edict should be met at a great distance from the capital; but Gu Yong was opposed to accepting the rank。
〃My lord; you should style yourself 'Supreme Ruler' and 'Lord' of the nine territories。 You should not receive any rank from Wei。〃
〃But on one occasion Liu Bang received the princedom of Han (Hanzhong) from Xiang Yu。 I have to depend upon circumstances。 Why refuse?〃
Sun Quan discussed the matter no more; but went out at the head of a great gathering of officers to wele the messenger。
Xing Zhen; the bearer of the mandate from Wei; on first arrival ported himself haughtily as the representative of a superior country and an imperial ambassador。 And when he entered the city; he did not descend from his carriage。 Wherefore Zhang Zhao ventured to rebuke him。
〃Everyone must obey the rules of courtesy as everyone must respect the laws。 You; Sir; are behaving proudly as if there was no such thing as a sword in this country。〃
Immediately the messenger descended from his chariot and was presented to Sun Quan。 Afterwards they went in side by side。
As the cavalcade proceeded; a loud voice was heard in the rear of the two carriages; crying; 〃Here we are prevented from risking our lives in smashing Wei and swallowing Shu; and our lord receives a title from another man。 Are not such things shameful?〃
The man was Xu Sheng。
And Xing Zhen sighed; saying; 〃If all the leaders and ministers of the South Land are like this; the Prince of Wu will not long be content to obey another。〃
However; the title was accepted。 And when he had received the felicitations of his officers; Sun Quan gave orders to collect beautiful works in jade and brilliant pearls; which were sent to Wei as return gifts。
Not long after came tidings of the forces of Shu: 〃The First Ruler; together with King Shamo Ke of the Mang nations; leads his own army and a large number of tribesmen from the east and south。 Furthermore; he is aided by the two Shu generals of Dongxi; Liu Ning and Du Lu; with their cohorts。 They advance both by land and by water; a mighty host; of which the shouting shakes the heavens。 The naval force has already e out at Wukou; and the land force has reached Zigui。〃
Although Sun Quan had been created a prince; yet Emperor Pi would not send a relieve army。
When the terrible news came; the Prince of Wu asked present advice from his officers; saying; 〃How are we going to meet those forces?〃
But there was none to help him。 They only muttered and were silent。
〃Ah!〃 sighed he。 〃After Zhou Yu I had Lu Su; and Lu Meng succeeded Lu Su。 But now they have all three gone; and there is no one to share my troubles!〃
But just then a very youthful general stepped out from the ranks of the officials and said; with a lowly obeisance; 〃Though I am young; I am not a little versed in the books of war; and with a few legions I could destroy the power of Shu。〃
Sun Quan recognized Sun Huan; the son of Sun Hu。 Sun Hu was originally from the Yu family; and he had served under Sun Jian; Sun Quan's father。 Sun Jian loved the youth and gave him his own family name of Sun and so made him a member of his own clan。 Sun Hu had four sons; of whom Sun Huan was the eldest。 Sun Huan was an expert archer and horseman and had acpanied Sun Quan in several campaigns; where he had distinguished himself right well and had been given a rank of mander。 At this time he was twenty…five。
〃How do you think you can overe them?〃
〃There are two able manders under my mand named Xie Jing and Li Yi; both very brave。 With a few legions I will capture Liu Bei。〃
〃Though you are brave; nephew; yet you are young and ought to have an assistant。〃
Thereupon Tiger General Zhu Ran stepped forward; saying; 〃Let me go。〃
Sun Quan consented。 He promoted Sun Huan to General of the Left Army; and he told off fifty thousand of soldiers and marines; over whom he placed Sun Huan and Zhu Ran as joint manders。 They were to start as soon as possible。
The scouts reported that the army of Shu was camped at Yidu; and Sun Huan led half his army to the borders of that county and camped in three stockades。
Now the Shu General Hu Ban had received his seal as Leader of the Van。 From the day he left the borders of the River Lands; he had had uninterrupted success。 Everyone had submitted at the mere rumor of his ing。 He had conducted his campaign with unstained swords as far as Yidu。 When he heard that Sun Huan was camped there to oppose his progress; he sent back rapid messengers to the First Ruler; who was then at Zigui。
The First Ruler got angry; saying; 〃So they think this youth is able to withstand me?〃
〃Since this nephew of Sun Quan has been made a leader;〃 said Guan Xing; 〃it is unnecessary to send a leader of high rank。 Let me go。〃
〃I was just wishing to see what you could do;〃 said the First Ruler; and he gave him orders to go。
Just as Guan Xing was leaving; Zhang Bao stepped forth and asked permission to go too。
〃Then both go; my nephews;〃 said the Emperor。 〃But you must be prudent and not hasty。〃
So they took leave; collected their troops and advanced。 Sun Huan; hearing of the ing of a large army; called out all his troops and drew up his array。 His two famous generals; Li Yi and Xie Jing; were placed by the great standard。 They watched the soldiers of Shu filing out and noted two leaders in silver helmets and silver armors; riding on white horses; and the flags were white。 First came Zhang Bao with a long spear; and then Guan Xing carrying a great saber。
〃Sun Huan; you tiny rascal; your time has e!〃 cried Zhang Bao abusively。 〃How dare you stand against the forces of Heaven?〃
〃Your father is a headless devil;〃 cried Sun Huan; no way backward in reviling; 〃and you are going just now to join him。 Don't you see?〃
Then Zhang Bao rode at Sun Huan。 From behind his chief; Xie Jing dashed out to meet him。 They fought nearly forty bouts; and then Xie Jing ran away with Zhang Bao in pursuit。
When Li Yi saw his rade overe; he whipped up his steed and came into the fray; whirling his silvered battle…ax。 Zhang Bao fought twenty bouts with him; but neither got the better。
Then in the army of Wu; a marching general named Tan Xiong; seeing that his two rades could not overe Zhang Bao; shot a treacherous arrow from the ranks and wounded Zhang Bao's steed。 Feeling the pang of the wound; the horse bolted back to its own side; but fell before it reached it; throwing its rider sprawling on the ground。 Seeing this; Li Yi turned and rode toward the prostrate leader to slay him with his battle…ax。 But just as he was about to deliver his blow; lo! a red flash came between; and his head rolled along the earth。
The red flash was Guan Xing's great sword。 Seeing the horse fall and Li Yi ing up; he had rushed in and dealt that fatal blow。 And he had saved Zhang Bao from death。 Then they attacked and lay on so that Sun Huan suffered a great defeat。 Then each side beat the retreat and drew off。
Next day Sun Huan came out to offer battle again; and the two cousins went forth together。 Guan Xing; from horseback by the main standard; challenged his enemy。 Sun Huan rode out fiercely; and they two fought near thirty bouts。 But Sun Huan was not strong enough and drew off。 The two youths followed and reached his camp。 Hu Ban; together with Feng Xi and Zhang Nan; also launched another attack。 Zhang Bao helped them with all his force and was the first to force his way into the ranks of Wu。 He came across Xie Jing; whom he slew with a spear thrust。 The soldiers of Wu scattered and fled; and the victory was on the side of Shu。
But Guan Xing was missing。 Zhang Bao was desperate; saying; 〃If something wrong happens to Guan Xing; I will not live!〃
So he girded on his huge spear and rode far and wide seeking him。 Presently he met Guan Xing; bearing his swo

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