叉叉电子书 > 同人电子书 > 三国演义英文版 >



小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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d spread to his whole surroundings; and he and his staff galloped for their lives。 They were as frightened as a suckling babe at a clap of thunder or a weak woodcutter at the roar of a tiger。 Many threw away their spears; dropped their casques and fled; a wave of panic…stricken humanity; a tumbling mass of terrified horses。 None thought of ought but flight; and those who ran trampled the bodies of fallen rades under foot。

Zhang Fei was wrathful; and who dared
To accept his challenge? Fierce he glared;
His thunderous voice rolled out; and then
In terror fled Cao Cao's armed soldiers。

Panic…stricken Cao Cao galloped westward with the rest; thinking of nothing but getting away。 He lost his headdress; and his loosened hair streamed behind him。 Presently Zhang Liao and Xu Chu came up with him and seized his bridle; fear had deprived him of all self…control。
〃Do not be frightened;〃 said Zhang Liao。 〃After all Zhang Fei is but one man and not worthy of extravagant fear。 If you will only return and attack; you will capture your enemy。〃
That time Cao Cao had somewhat overe his panic and bee reasonable。 Two generals were ordered back to the bridge to reconnoiter。
Zhang Fei saw the disorderly rout of the enemy but he dared not pursue。 However; he bade his score or so of dust…raising followers to cut loose the branches from their horses' tails and e to help destroy the bridge。 This done he went to report to his brother and told him of the destruction of the bridge。
〃Brave as you are; brother; and no one is braver; but you are no strategist;〃 said Liu Bei。
〃What mean you; brother?〃
〃Cao Cao is very deep。 You are no match for him。 The destruction of the bridge will bring him in pursuit。〃
〃If he ran away at a yell of mine; think you he will dare return?〃
〃If you had left the bridge; he would have thought there was an ambush and would not have dared to pass it。 Now the destruction of the bridge tells him we are weak and fearful; and he will pursue。 He does not mind a broken bridge。 His legions could fill up the biggest rivers that we could get across。〃
So orders were given to march; and they went by a bye…road which led diagonally to Hanjin by the road of Minyang。
The two generals sent by Cao Cao to reconnoiter near Long Slope Bridge returned; saying; 〃The bridge has been destroyed。 Zhang Fei has left。〃
〃Then he is afraid;〃 said Cao Cao。
Cao Cao at once gave orders to set ten thousand men at work on three floating bridges to be finished that night。
Li Dian said; 〃I fear this is one of the wiles of Zhuge Liang。 So be careful。〃
〃Zhang Fei is just a bold warrior; but there is no guile about him;〃 said Cao Cao。
He gave orders for immediate advance。
Liu Bei was making all speed to Hanjin。 Suddenly there appeared in his track a great cloud of dust whence came loud rolls of drums and shoutings。
Liu Bei was dismayed and said; 〃Before us rolls the Great River; behind is the pursuer。 What hope is there for us?〃
But he bade Zhao Yun organize a defense。
Now Cao Cao in an order to his army had said; 〃Liu Bei is a fish in the fish kettle; a tiger in the pit。 Catch him this time; or the fish will get back to the sea and the tiger escape to the mountains。 Therefore every general must use his best efforts to press on。〃
In consequence every leader bade those under him hasten forward。 And they were pressing on at great speed; when suddenly a body of soldiers appeared from the hills and a voice cried; 〃I have waited here a long time!〃
The leader who had shouted this bore in his hand the green…dragon saber and rode Red Hare; for indeed it was no other than Guan Yu。 He had gone to Jiangxia for help and had returned with a whole legion of ten thousand。 Having heard of the battle; he had taken this very road to intercept pursuit。
As soon as Guan Yu appeared; Cao Cao stopped and said to his officers; 〃Here we are; tricked again by that Zhuge Liang!〃
Without more ado he ordered a retreat。 Guan Yu followed him some three miles and then drew off to act as guard to his elder brother on his way to the river。 There boats were ready; and Liu Bei and family went on board。 When all were settled fortably in the boat; Guan Yu asked where was his sister; the second wife of his brother; Lady Mi。 Then Liu Bei told him the story of Dangyang。
〃Alas!〃 said Guan Yu。 〃Had you taken my advice that day of the hunting in Xutian; we should have escaped the misery of this day。〃
〃But;〃 said Liu Bei; 〃on that day it was 'Ware damaged when pelting rats。'〃
Just as Liu Bei spoke; he heard war drums on the south bank。 A fleet of boats; thick as a flight of ants; came running up with swelling sails before the fair wind。 He was alarmed。
The boats came nearer。 There Liu Bei saw the white clad figure of a man wearing a silver helmet who stood in the prow of the foremost ship。
The leader cried; 〃Are you all right; my uncle? I am very guilty。〃
It was Liu Qi。 He bowed low as the ship passed; saying; 〃I heard you were in danger from Cao Cao; and I have e to aid you。〃
Liu Bei weled Liu Qi with joy; and his soldiers joined in with the main body; and the whole fleet sailed on; while they told each other their adventures。
Unexpectedly in the southwest there appeared a line of fighting ships swishing up before a fair wind。
Liu Qi said; 〃All my troops are here; and now there is an enemy barring the way。 If they are not Cao Cao's ships; they must be from the South Land。 We have a poor chance。 What now?〃
Liu Bei went to the prow and gazed at them。 Presently he made out a figure in a turban and Taoist robe sitting in the bows of one of the boats and knew it to be Zhuge Liang。 Behind him stood Sun Qian。
When they were quite near; Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang how he came to be there。
And Zhuge Liang reported what he had done; saying; 〃When I reached Jiangxia; I sent Guan Yu to land at Hanjin with reinforcements; for I feared pursuit from Cao Cao and knew that road you would take instead of Jiangling。 So I prayed your nephew to go to meet you; while I went to Xiakou to muster as many soldiers as possible。〃
The new…ers added to their strength; and they began once more to consider how their powerful enemy might be overe。
Said Zhuge Liang; 〃Xiakou is strong and a good strategic point。 It is also rich and suited for a lengthy stay。 I would ask you; my lord; to make it a permanent camp。 Your nephew can go to Jiangxia to get the fleet in order and prepare weapons。 Thus we can create two threatening angles for our position。 If we all return to Jiangxia; the position will be weakened。〃
Liu Qi replied; 〃The Directing Instructor's words are excellent; but I wish rather my uncle stayed awhile in Jiangxia till the army was in thorough order。 Then he could go to Xiakou。〃
〃You speak to the point; nephew;〃 replied Liu Bei。
Then leaving Guan Yu with five thousand troops at Xiakou he; with Zhuge Liang and his nephew; went to Jiangxia。
When Cao Cao saw Guan Yu with a force ready to attack; he feared lest a greater number were hidden away behind; so he stopped the pursuit。 He also feared lest Liu Bei should take Jiangling; so he marched thither with all haste。
The two officers in mand at Jingzhou City; Deng Yi and Liu Xin; had heard of the death of their lord Liu Zong at Xiangyang and; knowing that there was no chance of successful defense against Cao Cao's armies; they led out the people of Jingzhou to the outskirts and offered submission。 Cao Cao entered the city and; after restoring order and confidence; he released Han Song and gave him the dignified office of Director of Ambassadorial Receptions。 He rewarded the others。
Then said Cao Cao; 〃Liu Bei has gone to Jiangxia and may ally himself with the South Land; and the opposition to me will be greater。 Can he be destroyed?〃
Xun You said; 〃The splendor of your achievements has spread wide。 Therefore you might send a messenger to invite Sun Quan to a grand hunting party at Jiangxia; and you two could seize Liu Bei; share Jingzhou with Sun Quan; and make a solemn treaty。 Sun Quan will be too frightened not to e over to you; and your end will be gained。〃
Cao Cao agreed。 He sent the letters by a messenger; and he prepared his army………horse and foot and marines。 He had in all eight hundred thirty thousand troops; but he called them a million。 The

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