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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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army ing along; the red flags are to move left and the blue right to confuse the enemy so that they shall be afraid to advance further。 Then an ambush is to be laid to smite the enemy when the fire in Xinye starts。 After that Mi Fang and Liu Feng are to go to the river to meet us。
〃After the battle; all generals shall gather at Fancheng。〃
All the orders given; the various leaders went their way to take up their positions and await the burning of the city。 Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei went away to an eminence whence they could watch what happened and where they would await the reports of victory。
Cao Hong and Cao Ren; with their one hundred thousand troops; preceded by Xu Chu leading three thousand of mailed men; marched toward Xinye。 They formed a mighty host and reached Magpie Tail Slope about noon。 Looking ahead; they saw what seemed a goodly army with many blue and red flags。 Xu Chu pressed forward。 As he neared; the flags moved from side to side; and he hesitated。
He began to think; 〃It could be an ambush。 It is unwise to advance。〃
Finally Xu Chu decided to go no farther and called a halt; and he rode back to the main body to see Cao Ren。
〃Those troops are only make…believe;〃 said Cao Ren。 〃Advance; there is no ambush。 I will hasten up the supports。〃
So Xu Chu rode to his own mand again and advanced。 When he reached the wood where he had seen the flags; he saw no one at all。 It was then late in the afternoon but he decided to move on。 Then he heard from the hills the sound of musical instruments and; looking up; saw on the hill top two umbrellas surrounded by many banners。 There sat Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang quietly drinking。
Angry at their coolness; Xu Chu sought for a way up; but logs of wood and great stones were thrown down; and he was driven back。 Further; from the rear of the hills came a confused roar。 He could find no way to attack; and the sun began to set。
Then Cao Ren and Cao Hong arrived and ordered an attack on Xinye that he might have a place to rest in。 They marched to the walls and found the gates wide open。 They entered and found a deserted city。 No one was visible。
〃This shows they are done;〃 said Cao Hong。 〃They have all run away; people and all。 We may as well occupy the city and rest our soldiers ready for tomorrow。〃
The soldiers were fatigued with marching and hungry as well; so they lost no time in scattering among the houses and setting about preparing food in the deserted kitchens。 The leaders took up their quarters in the state residence to rest。
After the first watch the wind began to blow。 Soon after the gate guards reported that a fire had started。
〃The careless men have let sparks fly about;〃 said Cao Ren。
He thought no more about it just then; but along came other reports of like nature; and soon he realized that fires breaking out in all quarters were not due to accident。 So he gave orders to evacuate the city。 Soon the whole city seemed on fire; and a red glow hung in the sky。 The army was beset with fire fiercer than what Xiahou Dun had experienced at Bowang Slope。

Thrice wicked was Cao Cao; but he was bold;
Though all in the capital he controlled;
Yet with this he was not content;
So southward his ravaging army went。
But; the autumn wind aiding; the Spirit of Fire
Wrought to his army destruction dire。

Officers and troops dashing through the smoke and fire in utter confusion sought some way of escape; and hearing that the east gate was free; they made for that quarter。 Out they rushed pell…mell; many being trodden down and trampled to death。 Those who got through took the road to the east。
But presently there was a shouting behind them; and Zhao Yun's pany came up and attacked。 Then Cao Cao's troops scattered; each fleeing for his life。 No stand was made。 A little later Mi Fang and Liu Feng came to take another toll。 The fleeing Cao Ren then had very few followers; and those left him were scorched and burned。
They directed their way to the White River; joyfully remembering that the river was shallow and fordable。 And they went down into the stream and drank their fill; humans shouting and horses neighing。
Meantime Guan Yu; higher up its course; had dammed the river with sandbags so that its waters were collected in a lake。 Toward evening he had seen the red glow of the burning city and began to look out for his signal。 About the fourth watch; he heard down stream the sounds of soldiers and horse and at once ordered the breaking of the dam。 The water rushed down in a torrent and overwhelmed the men just then in the bed of the river。 Many were swept away and drowned。 Those who escaped made their way to where the stream ran gently and got away。
Presently Cao Ren and his troops reached the Boling Ferry。 Here; where they thought there would be safety; they found the road barred。
〃You Cao Cao brigands!〃 shouted Zhang Fei。 〃e and receive your fate!〃

Within the city the red flame leaps out;
On the river bank burning anger is met。

What happened will appear in later chapters。
 Main Next to Chapter 41 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 41
 Chapter 41
Liu Bei Leads His People Over The River;
Zhao Yun Rescues The Child Lord At Dangyang。
The last chapter closed with the attack made by Zhang Fei as soon as his brother had let loose the waters on the doomed army。 He met with Xu Chu and a bat began; but a fight with such a warrior was not to Xu Chu's taste and he ran away。 Zhang Fei followed till he came upon Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang; and the three went upstream till they came to the boats that had been prepared by Liu Feng and Mi Fang; when they all crossed over and marched toward Fancheng。 As soon as they disembarked; Zhuge Liang ordered the boats and rafts to be burned。
Cao Ren gathered in the remnants of his army and camped at Xinye; while his colleague Cao Hong went to tell their lord the evil tidings of defeat。
〃How dare he; this rustic Zhuge Liang!〃 exclaimed Cao Cao angrily。
Cao Cao then hastily sent an overwhelming army to camp near the place and gave orders for enormous works against the city; leveling hills and turning rivers to launch a violent assault on Fancheng from every side at once。
Then Liu Ye came in to see his lord and said; 〃Sir; you are new to this region; and you should win over the people's hearts。 Liu Bei has moved all the people from Xinye to Fancheng。 If we march through the country; the people will be ground to powder。 It would be well to call upon Liu Bei first to surrender; which will prove to the people that you have a care for them。 If he yields; then we get Jingzhou without fighting。〃
Cao Cao agreed and asked who would be a suitable messenger。 Liu Ye suggested Xu Shu。
〃He is a close friend of Liu Bei; and he is here with the army;〃 said Liu Ye。
〃But he will not e back;〃 objected Cao Cao。
〃If he does not return; he will be a laughing stock to the whole world。 He will e back。〃
Xu Shu was sent for; and Cao Cao said; 〃My first intention was to level Fancheng with the ground。 But out of pity for its people; you may carry an offer to Liu Bei that if he will surrender; he will not only not be punished but he shall be given rank。 But if he holds on his present misguided course; the whole of his followers shall be destroyed。 Now you are an honest man and so I confide this mission to you; and I trust you will not disappoint me。〃
Xu Shu said nothing but accepted his orders and went to the city; where he was received by both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang。 They enjoyed a talk over old times before Xu Shu mentioned the object of his mission。
Then he said; 〃Cao Cao has sent me to invite you to surrender; thereby making a bid for popularity。 But you ought also to know that he intends to attack the city from every point; that he is damming up the White River's waters to be sent against you; and I fear you will not be able to hold the city。 You ought to prepare。〃
Liu Bei asked Xu Shu to remain with them; but Xu Shu said; 〃That is impossible; for all the world would ridicule me if I stayed。 My old mother is dead; and I never forget my resentment。 My body may be over there; but I swear never to form a plan for Cao Cao。 You have the Sleeping Dragon to help you and need have no anxiety about the ultimate achievement of your undertakin

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