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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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Thus was Zhuge Liang remended to Liu Bei; and Xu Shu rode away。
Now Liu Bei understood the speech of the hermit Water Mirror; and he woke as one from a drunken sleep。 At the head of his officers; he retook the road to the city and having prepared rich gifts set out; with his brothers; for Nanyang。
Under the influence of his emotions at parting; Xu Shu had mentioned the name and betrayed the retreat of his friend。 Now he thought of the possibility that Zhuge Liang would be unwilling to play the part of helper in Liu Bei's scheme; so Xu Shu determined to go to visit him。 He therefore took his way to Sleeping Dragon Ridge and dismounted at the cottage。
Asked why he had e; Xu Shu replied; 〃I wished to serve Liu Bei of Yuzhou; but my mother has been imprisoned by Cao Cao; and has sent to call me。 Therefore I have had to leave him。 At the moment of parting I mended you to him。 You may expect him speedily and I hope; Sir; you will not refuse your aid but will consent to use your great talents to help him。〃
Zhuge Liang showed annoyance and said; 〃And so you have made me a victim of the world's sacrifice。〃
So saying; Zhuge Liang shook out his sleeves and left the room。 The guest shamefacedly retired; mounted his horse; and hastened on his way to the capital to see his mother。

To help the lord he loved right well;
He summoned the aid of another
When he took the distant homeward way
At the call of a loving mother。

What was the sequel will appear in the following chapters。
 Main Next to Chapter 37 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 37
 Chapter 37
Sima Hui Remends A Scholar To Liu Bei;
Liu Bei Pays Three Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge。
As has been said Xu Shu hastened to the capital。 When Cao Cao knew Xu Shu had arrived; he sent two of his confidants; Xun Yu and Cheng Yu to receive the newer at the city gate; and so Xu Shu was led first to the Prime Minister's palace。
〃Why did such an illustrious scholar as you bow the knee to Liu Bei?〃 said Cao Cao。
〃I am young; and I fled to avoid the results of certain escapades。 I spent some time as a wanderer and so came to Xinye where I became good friends with him。 But my mother is here; and when I thought of all her affection; I could no longer remain absent。〃
〃Now you will be able to take care of your mother at all times。 And I may have the privilege of receiving your instructions。〃
Xu Shu then took his leave and hastened to his mother's dwelling。 Weeping with emotion; he made his obeisance to her at the door of her room。
But she was greatly surprised to see him and said; 〃What have you e here for?〃
〃I was at Xinye; in the service of Liu Bei of Yuzhou; when I received your letter。 I came immediately。〃
His mother suddenly grew very angry。
Striking the table she cried; 〃You shameful and degenerate son! For years you have been a vagabond in spite of all my teaching。 You are a student and know the books。 You must then know that loyalty and filial piety are often opposed。 Did you not recognize in Cao Cao a traitor; a man who flouts his king and insults the mighty ones? Did you not see that Liu Bei was virtuous and upright as all the world knows? Moreover; he is of the House of Han; and when you were with him you were serving a fitting master。 Now on the strength of a scrap of forged writing; with no attempt at any inquiry; you have left the light and plunged into darkness and earned a disgraceful reputation。 Truly you are stupid。 How can I bear to look upon you? You have besmirched the fair fame of your forefathers and are of no use in the world!〃
The son remained bowed to the earth; not daring to lift his eyes while his mother delivered this vilifying tirade。 As she said the last word; she rose suddenly and left the room。 Soon after one of the servants came out to say Lady Xun had hanged herself。 Xu Shu rushed in to try to save her; but was too late。 A eulogy of her conduct has been written thus:

Wise Mother Xun; fair is your fame;
The storied page glows with your name;
From duty's path you never strayed;
The family's renown you made。
To train your son no pains you spared;
For your own body nothing cared。
You stand sublime; from us apart;
Through simple purity of heart。
Brave Liu Bei's virtues you extolled;
You blamed Cao Cao; the basely bold。
Of blazing fire you felt no fear;
You blenched not when the sword came neat;
But dreaded lest a willful son
Should dim the fame his fathers won。
Yes; Mother Xun was of one mold
With famous heroes of old;
Who never shrank from injury;
And even were content to die。
Fair meed of praise; while still alive;
Was yours; and ever will survive。
Hail! Mother Xun; your memory;
While time rolls on; shall never。

At sight of his mother dead; Xu Shu fell in a swoon and only recovered consciousness after a long time。 By and bye Cao Cao heard of it and sent mourning gifts; and in due course went in person to condole and sacrifice。 The body was interred on the south of the capital; and the dead woman's unhappy son kept vigil at her tomb。 He steadily rejected all gifts from Cao Cao。
At that time Cao Cao was contemplating an attack on the south。
His adviser Xun Yu dissuaded him; saying; 〃The winter is not favorable for this campaign。 My lord should await milder weather。〃
And Cao Cao yielded。 But he began to prepare; and led the River Zhang's waters aside to form a lake; which he called the Aquamarine Lake; where he could accustom his soldiers to fight on the water。
As has been said; Liu Bei prepared gifts to offer to Zhuge Liang on his visit。 One day his servants announced a stranger of extraordinary appearance; wearing a lofty headdress and a wide belt。
〃Surely this is he;〃 said Liu Bei; and; hastily arranging his dress; he went to wele the visitor。
But the first glance showed him that it was the recluse of the mountains; Sima Hui。 However; Liu Bei was glad to see him and led him into the inner apartment as he would an old friend。
There Liu Bei conducted him to the seat of honor and made his obeisance; saying; 〃Since leaving you that day in the mountains; I have been overwhelmed with military preparations and so have failed to visit you as courtesy demanded。 Now that the brightness has descended upon me; I hope this dereliction of duty may be pardoned。〃
〃I hear Xu Shu is here。 I have e expressly to see him;〃 replied Water Mirror bluntly。
〃He has lately left for Xuchang。 A messenger came with a letter telling of the imprisonment of his mother。〃
〃Then he has just fallen into Cao Cao's trap; for that letter was a forgery。 I have known his mother to be a very noble woman。 Even if she were imprisoned by Cao Cao; she would not summon her son like that。 Certainly the letter was a forgery。 If the son did not go; the mother would be safe; if he went; she would be a dead woman。〃
〃But how?〃 asked Liu Bei dismayed。
〃She is a woman of the highest principles; who would be greatly mortified at the sight of her son under such conditions。〃
Liu Bei said; 〃Just as your friend was leaving; he mentioned the name of a certain Zhuge Liang。 What think you of him?〃
Water Mirror laughed; saying; 〃If Xu Shu wanted to go; he was free to go。 But why did he want to provoke Zhuge Liang into ing out and showing passion for someone else?〃
〃Why do you speak like that?〃 asked Liu Bei
He replied; 〃Five persons; Zhuge Liang of Nanyang; Cui Zhouping of Boling; Shi Guangyuan of Yingchuan; Meng Gongwei of Runan; and Xu Shu of Yingchuan were the closest of friends。 They formed a little coterie devoted to meditation on essential refinement。 Only Zhuge Liang arrived at a perception of its meaning。 He used to sit among them with his arms about his knees muttering and then; pointing to his panions; he would say; 'You; gentlemen; would bee governors and protectors if you were in official life。'
〃When they asked him what was his ambition; he would only smile and always pared himself with the great ancient scholars Guan Zhong and Yue Yi。 No one could gauge his talents。〃
〃How es it that Yingchuan produces so many able humans?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃That old astrologer; Yin Kui; used to say that the stars clustered thick over the region; and so there were many wise people。〃

'e' Guan Zhong was priminister of Duke Huan of Qi。 Guan Zhon

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